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UHV wire and cable contribute to energy competitiveness
With the development of AC UHV transmission to a certain stage, a strong UHV synchronous grid will be formed, and the efficiency of energy saving is remarkable. The planned North China Central China East UHV AC synchronous power grid will achieve close interconnection and interconnection between the three major power grids in North China, central China and East China, and achieve energy saving benefits such as reducing installed capacity and reducing water and electricity consumption.

Energy experts in the eyes of the characteristics of China's energy resources decision must change the balance in the energy development, the development of UHV power grid to achieve large coal bases and large hydropower bases, renewable energy base of long distance and large capacity transmission, coal oil transport to ease the tense situation, improve the ability to optimize the allocation of resources more large scale, can also promote clean energy development, will improve the security of energy supply in china. UHV is an opportunity for a big energy province that is changing the mode of development. Taking Shanxi Province as an example, according to the calculation, the contribution ratio of two energy transmission modes to Shanxi GDP is about 1 to 6, and the ratio of employment pull effect is about 1 to 2. China's power transmission and transformation equipment enterprises have recently received many foreign orders. Because of their participation in the development of ultra-high voltage engineering equi
pment, these customary "importing" businesses are experiencing "going global" transformation. With the formal operation of UHV transmission project, China's manufacturing industry has been on the "Mount Qomolangma" of the international electrician in 4 years.

When there is a significant gap in the world's energy demand, all countries are actively developing various fields of energy, and the world's energy is showing a trend of diversification. More importantly, energy is becoming an important part of the economic revolution. The Obama administration of the United States even hopes to transform the way of production and lifestyle of the United States by setting up a clean energy structure, and has launched the most powerful energy administrative power in the history of the United States. Experts believe that the transformation of the energy system in Obama's economic reform plan will be the largest economic, social and environmental revolution of the twenty-first Century.

In the world energy pattern, the different competitive advantages of various countries are obvious. Russia, the Middle East, Latin America is rich in oil and gas resources to rely on, the United States dollar oil pricing advantage, Europe has been in new energy and strength, firmly for oil pricing, Japan's leading energy-saving technologies and diversification of international energy supply, Singapore and Panama occupy the energy channel of the convenience of.

To participate in the competition, China must first solve its own bottleneck of energy development. From the incompatible fire into mutual aid, which is applied to UHV "magic". With the development of hydropower in the southwest of China, a large amount of electricity in the southwest is needed for long distance transportation. Before 2020, the Jinsha River Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba, Wudongde, Baihetan four cascade hydropower stations totaling more than 3800 kilowatts of hydropower in Sichuan with another 24 million kilowatts of hydropower are required to send to Guizhou and eastern China, Guangdong electric power also in more than 10 million kilowatts of hydropower, Yunnan sent to Guangdong on a scale of 20 million kw.

With the development of AC UHV transmission to a certain stage, a strong UHV synchronous grid will be formed, and the efficiency of energy saving is remarkable. The planned North China Central China East UHV AC synchronous power grid will achieve close interconnection and interconnection between the three major power grids in North China, central China and East China, and achieve energy saving benefits such as reducing installed capacity and reducing water and electricity consumption. It is expected that in 2020, under the unified scheduling and unified arrangement of maintenance, the country can reduce the installed capacity of more than 20 million kilowatts and save 76 billion yuan. The North China - Central China - East China synchronous power grid can reduce the amount of water consumption by about 6 billion kwh each year, and save about 2 million 600 thousand tons of coal.

Smart grid is the national Power Grid Corp, based on the UHV power grid as the backbone grid, strong grid coordinated development of power at all levels based on information communication platform, with information technology, automation, interactive features, including power system, transmission, substation, power distribution and various electrical and scheduling aspects of strong and reliable economic, efficient, clean, transparent and open, friendly interaction of modern power grid, covering Chinese (North, central and East China Power Grid), the Northwest Power Grid and Northeast power grid, and through the interconnection of UHVDC and China Southern Power grid.

Media analysis, there are at least two has yet to give full play to the advantage that we have huge energy demand and purchasing power, but did not achieve the international energy pricing right, often buy what, what price will rise; we have a huge demand for energy application technology, should promote the industrialization in under a new occupation round of the competition, but is often subject to the mechanism and concept, into "the world first" controversy circles, has not yet formed a distinct technology advantage. The construction of UHV project has aroused many concerns, because it has new technology, new thinking, and the great significance of promoting the new pattern.

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